Mobile Physiotherapy Services in Dalkeith, WA 6009
Home physiotherapy in Dalkeith, Crawley, Nedlands and neighbouring suburbs
Stay At Home Physio provides mobile physiotherapy services throughout Perth, including Dalkeith and Crawley.
Many people struggle to access a traditional physiotherapy clinic or perhaps they feel more comfortable in their own home. In light of this need, we bring personalised physiotherapy services to your doorstep! Alternatively we could meet you at the Beatty Park Leisure Centre or a park of your choosing, such as Matilda Bay.
Learn more about about physiotherapy services below.
What Makes Us Different?
Integrity & client-centred focus
We will help you achieve your goals
We bring the clinic to you
We come to you in the comfort of your own home or place of your choosing
A range of funding options
Private insurance, NDIS, Home Care Packages, Medicare and more

Why Home Physiotherapy?
Accessibility: perhaps you’re unable to drive yourself to a clinic. Maybe your mobility is not what it use to be. Or maybe you need someone to take you and it’s just too difficult. Whatever the reason, it’s not always easy. Mobile physiotherapy offers an alternate solution.
More tailored: home based physiotherapy services provide an opportunity for treatment and prescription in the clients own environment. This enables the physiotherapist to better tailor specific exercises to increase overall program adherence.
More relaxed: Many people feel intimidated and stressed when entering a clinical setting. Being relaxed and attentive increases effective communication between the therapist and the patient and can results in more effective outcomes.